Kornell Flyers

Last night I finished up two flyers for Steve, and the first was so well received that we have decided to use it as a template for future flyers! Let me say, as much as I love making flyers it will be nice to be able to put 15 minutes into a new one rather than a few hours! 

This morning I have to write in 100 words or less why I love volunteering for Kornell and email it out to our email list.
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Kornell Campaign: Design Work

This morning I was very grateful to wake up to an email from Mike Fox giving me some campaign work to do from home.  I sent off about 300 separate emails, inviting locals to a meet and greet next tuesday.
One of those who I emailed was Dr. Lucas who then thought to ask me to design a new flyer for an upcoming fundraiser at an Art Gallery downtown.  I really love this kind of stuff, and I wish I had more skills, maybe I will take a graphic design class as an elective next Spring? Anyway, here is my first draft, created in pages.
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